transaction processing system

英 [trænˈzækʃn ˈprəʊsesɪŋ ˈsɪstəm] 美 [trænˈzækʃn ˈprɑːsesɪŋ ˈsɪstəm]

网络  事务处理系统; 交易处理系统; 业务处理系统; 处理系统; 系统



  1. Firstly, analyzes the characteristics and the present situation of the administrative transaction processing system briefly.
  2. Study and Implement on Dynamic Deployment in Large-Scale Transaction Processing System
  3. Implementation of service object monitoring in large scale transaction processing system
  4. A term sometimes applied to the interchange that takes place between a terminal operator and a computer in a transaction processing system.
  5. We are looking for part-time staff to work our computer. A term sometimes applied to the interchange that takes place between a terminal operator and a computer in a transaction processing system.
  6. Microcomputer based Chinese characters transaction data processing system
  7. The paper simulates and analyzes the ACID transaction of distributed system by using the temporal Petri nets, provides an analysis method for building the transaction processing system based on CORBA.
  8. This paper presents a distributed transaction processing system ( DTPS) based on PC local area network. Detailed description is given in DTPS design, logical organization, concurrent control strategy and the implementation of DTPS.
  9. The difference between the traditional transaction processing system and the transaction processing system based on CORBA is emphasized in the discussing process on the transaction processing system based on CORBA.
  10. Conflict resolution protocols in real-time transaction processing system
  11. Effect of Middle Ware Tuxedo in On-Line Transaction Processing System
  12. Transaction processing of EDI system based on Web Services
  13. The the integration of CORBA and database must be researched before the research on the transaction processing system based on CORBA.
  14. Design and Implementation of Multidatabase Transaction Processing Prototype System s
  15. The article, at first, puts forward the conception and the ACID characteristic of transaction, and expounds the development and the standard of the Transaction Processing System;
  16. This management system manages availably the metadata of Large-Scale Transaction Processing System, simplifies the maintain and raises the working efficiency of this system.
  17. Research of Modeling Method of Administrative Transaction Processing System Based on Role Model
  18. In this paper, the design and implementation of the MDBS 1, a multidatabase transaction processing prototype system, is described. The kernel of transaction processing and the design of local agents are mainly discussed.
  19. Metadata Management of Large-scale Transaction Processing System
  20. Large-scale transaction processing system is a complicated distributed system, which is consists of multi-database. This paper brings forward using metadata to predigest the management and the maintenance of the distributed database, and introduces the key technology and the architecture of the metadata managing subsystem.
  21. The dynamic deployment module in this article has been verified in the Massive Transaction Processing System.
  22. In order to get the useful information from ever increasing transaction data in the online transaction processing system and resolve the contradiction of "Data Rich, but Information Poor", data warehouse arises.
  23. A Multi-device-based Transaction Processing System Model
  24. Electronic commodity trading system is a real-time complex transaction processing system with lots of requests and simultaneous tasks, which needs high capacity of calculation, reliability, robustness and synchronization.
  25. This article, aiming at the characteristics of the large scale and high speed of data loading, and the long-time need of a query in some massive information systems, designed a massive information transaction processing system and implemented its data's parallel loading and parallel query.
  26. A method for estimating timeout value in distributed transaction processing system
  27. Next, we emphasize the characterist and structure of the Large-Scale Transaction Processing System, and analyze the problem of this system in detail, and then bring up the solution scheme-building a metadata management system.
  28. Last, this thesis analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the web service transaction processing model system based on THP.
  29. As the middleware between the grid service and application, the grid transaction processing system provide a uniform interface for the grid transaction, including the atomic transaction, the long transaction, the real-time transaction, the serial long transaction and so on.
  30. At present, the telecommunications company has been set up relatively well OLTP ( online transaction processing) system, Along with time passing, companies have accumulated a large amount of historical data, these operational data is valuable wealth of enterprises, which contains many important information.